Abdelrahman Abounegm, Developer in Cairo, Egypt
Abdelrahman is available for hire
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Abdelrahman Abounegm

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Cairo, Egypt
Toptal Member Since
October 14, 2022

Abdelrahman is a highly skilled and efficient software engineer who cares about quality. He has worked with various tools and specialties, from embedded to mobile development. Most of his experience lies in web development, mainly front end and some back end, with an interest in DevOps and software design and architecture. With his degree in computer science and abundant practical experience, Abdelrahman can learn new technologies quickly and use them effectively.


Innopolis University
Front-end Development, Svelte, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Rollup, Webpack...
Freelance Clients
JavaScript, Electron, TypeScript, Svelte, Docker, Peer-to-peer Networking...
TinkerCubes LLC.
Git, Firebase, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Word2Vec, JSON, GitHub...




Preferred Environment

Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Git, GitHub, TypeScript, Svelte, Python, REST APIs, Docker, Dart, Figma, Front-end, Cloud Firestore, Socket.IO, APIs, Vuetify

The most amazing...

...project I've developed is a UI components kit that received over 700 stars on GitHub, which I used in a full-stack portal app for all students at my university.

Work Experience

Front-end Development Teacher

2022 - PRESENT
Innopolis University
  • Taught front-end web development to around 60 first-year students in one semester and 30 seniors in another semester.
  • Designed the curriculum and course content from scratch, including all lectures, labs, assignments, and the course project.
  • Graded assignments on time and continually analyzed students' feedback to improve the course material.
Technologies: Front-end Development, Svelte, React, JavaScript, TypeScript, Rollup, Webpack, CI/CD Pipelines, Web Development

Software Engineer

2020 - 2022
Freelance Clients
  • Implemented a complete dropshipping solution with automated inventory updating from suppliers and order handling from clients, plus a custom store front end.
  • Wrote an Electron application to process video streams from other programs, including a website to sell it.
  • Developed a peer-to-peer system to stream a video from one client to another through an intermediary server.
  • Executed a command-line interface application to communicate with an Arduino module and save data to MongoDB.
  • Deployed a containerized API for face recognition and a web front end for registering in the service.
Technologies: JavaScript, Electron, TypeScript, Svelte, Docker, Peer-to-peer Networking, WebSockets, Firebase, Node.js, REST APIs, JSON, GitHub, Amazon Web Services (AWS), HTML, Chrome Extensions, Tailwind CSS, Front-end, NoSQL, Cloud Firestore, Database Design, HTML5, CSS, Sass, Socket.IO, APIs, FastAPI, Full-stack Development, Software Engineering, MongoDB, CI/CD Pipelines, SQLAlchemy, Vuetify, Web Development, Firebase Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Stripe

Front-end Developer

2017 - 2020
TinkerCubes LLC.
  • Developed a spreadsheet interface with advanced editing techniques that synchronizes with a sparse NoSQL database.
  • Introduced tools and techniques such as YouTrack and CI/CD that increased team productivity.
  • Undertook a technical co-founder role, where I reviewed CVs for hiring, mentored and onboarded new hires, developed test tasks, and participated in patent writing.
  • Implemented a chatbot using NLP and Word2Vec analysis and developed techniques for dynamic vocabulary insertion.
Technologies: Git, Firebase, JavaScript, TypeScript, Vue, Word2Vec, JSON, GitHub, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Web Scraping, HTML, Front-end, NoSQL, Cloud Firestore, HTML5, APIs, Full-stack Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Vuetify, Web Development, Firebase Cloud Functions

Innopoints | A University Portal for Students

A portal for students at my university to find volunteering opportunities and earn points from them that they can spend on merch.

It is a full-stack application written with Svelte for its front end, Flask for the API, PostgreSQL for the database system, Nginx as the front-end server, and a Docker compose configuration to containerize all of them. It includes a dashboard for the admins to review and approve projects, add merchandise to the store, and export general statistics and reports. We used the university's OAuth2 SSO service for authentication and authorization.

Cast | A Podcast Listening PWA

A podcast listening progressive web app (PWA) built with quality in mind.

For this project, we used static analysis tools such as ESLint, Prettier, and TypeScript, testing tools such as Jest for units, Cypress for integrations, Applitools for visuals, and Lighthouse for overall quality audits.

The project structure follows a feature-sliced design, and the app is deployed on Cloudflare Pages using GitHub Actions that only deploy after passing all required quality checks. Additionally, UptimeRobot monitors the app for any downtime, and Husky installs pre-commit hooks to run static analysis before every commit. View the project via github.com/aabounegm/cast.

Attractions | A Svelte UI Kit

A UI components library for Svelte that promotes accessibility and customizability.

It uses Sass for theming and provides valuable utilities for building user interfaces. It has over 700 stars on GitHub and actively gets contributions from the community.


TypeScript, Python, JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, Dart, CSS, Haskell, C++, SQL, Sass


Svelte, Flutter, Vuetify, Electron, Flask, Jest, Cypress, Tailwind CSS, gRPC


Vue, Node.js, REST APIs, Socket.IO, Telegram Bot API, SQLAlchemy, React, Stripe


GitHub, Git, NGINX, Figma, Rollup, Webpack, Grafana, Helm


Firebase, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apache Kafka, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


Cloud Firestore, Databases, JSON, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


Front-end Development, Front-end, APIs, Web Development, CI/CD Pipelines, Chrome Extensions, Full-stack Development, Software Engineering, Firebase Cloud Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Software Design, Machine Learning, Operating Systems, Word2Vec, Peer-to-peer Networking, WebSockets, Responsive UI, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Supabase, GitHub Actions, Feature-sliced Design (FSD), ESLint, Web Scraping, FastAPI, Argo CD, Prometheus, Jaeger, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Protocol Buffers, GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT)


Functional Programming, Database Design, Compiler Design, DevOps, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Microservices, Mobile Development

2018 - 2022

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Innopolis University - Innopolis, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia


Cloud Native Application Architecture Nanodegree



Cloud DevOps Engineer Nanodegree Program



Mobile Web Specialist Nanodegree Program
